Informations and Contact

Here you can find all information on how i proceed on my commissions and at the bottom you can find my contact form.
Order process :
We start with an explanation of the order as detailed as possible by the customer, by message or orally. References like sketches or photos are always greatly appreciated.
Then, we fix the price and the delivery date, after common agreement, I begin the illustration.
Depending of the specifics and constraints of the order, a 20% deposit may be requested before i start.
Most common steps: :
1. Sketch 2. Lineart 3. Flat color 4. Light and shadows
I usually send very vague sketches to get an idea of the poses, clothes, expressions etc… Any major changes are possible. It can be followed by a more precise and detailed sketch if necessary. After validation, I start the lines, then the flat colors and finally the shadows / light effects etc…
Each step is sent for validation before starting the next, allowing any changes concerning the current one. This is to avoid any late major changes, which cost a lot of time and can even lead to additional cost in some case.

Conditions of use :
My licences typically range from 1 to 5 years and the renewal price is fixed beforehand (no surprises later).
I include in my rate a limit of 5,000 copies for printing without limiting the mediums and allow for online distribution.
Different licensing terms are entirely possible but will result in an increased price.
For individuals, I accept modifications (without prior authorization) unless they contain violent, discriminatory, racist, sexual content, or if they distort the original concept of the artwork.”
I work on Krita, a open source software (therefore free and open to all) for digital drawing. Its native format is .kra (it allows export in .psd if necessary). For vector illustrations, I use Inkscape.
At your request, if necessary, I can provide the .kra or .svg file, to facilitate modifications.
Pricing :
The price of a commission depends on the illustration.
Lots of characters, complex clothing/costumes/armor, or time-consuming items (e.g. winged character) are examples of factors that can increase the cost of an illustration.
Paypal or bank transfer accepted.